Our Veterinarian Network
neoplas vet: the best connections to science and research
Using the plasma medicine potentials together
neoplas vet and our aligned company neoplas med are partners in the healthcare network of Central Saxony, a member of the Nationales Zentrum für Plasmamedizin e. V.(National Centre for Plasma Medicine) and part of the BioCon® Valley network. In addition, we cooperate with several university hospitals. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you should be interested in a cooperation.
- Dr. Christoph Klinger, Lead AD Board neoplas
- Dermatology and Allergology
- Senior Veterinarian
- Diplomate ACVD, ECVD
- AniCura VET-Klinik Stuttgart, Germany
- Dr. Alberto Martin Cordero, Member AD Board neoplas
- Dermatology
- MVZ, Diplomate LA College of Veterinary Dermatologia
- Veterinaria Especializada Guadalajara, Mexico
- Dr. Ramon Almela, Member AD Board neoplas
- Dermatology
- DVM, PhD, Assistant Professor
- Department of Clinical Sciences
Cummings School of Veterinary
Medicine at Tuft University, Boston USA
- Dr. Claudia Busse, Member AD Board neoplas
- Ophtalmology
- TiHo Hannover, Germany